Meet this month’s store manager spotlight, Holly Martin from Storage Sense – Glasgow! Holly was nominated for the spotlight by her district trainer, Katrina. Katrina said, “Holly puts everything she has into her property. Through all the adversity she faced over the last year, she continues to not only run a great facility and care for her tenants, but is also always there when our district needs her. She is always ready to jump in and help collaborate on any project and lifts our district up through celebration and by truly caring.” Get to know Holly in the Q&A below!
Q: How long have you been working for SAM?
A: This April will be two years that I have been with SAM!
Q: How did you come to be part of the team at SAM? What attracted you to this role and our company?
A: I came to be a part of the SAM team by persistence! Hey, the third time is a charm! There were two opportunities that became available but neither of those worked out. Once the position came back open, my district manager actually reached out to me to see if I was still interested, so I applied and have been a part of the team ever since. I actually knew nothing about storage before taking this position. I had a career in retail and just wanted something different. I still get the retail side of operations but in a mildly different way. I really just wanted a change and was fortunate enough to become a member of the SAM team!
Q: Outside of work, what hobbies or interests do you enjoy pursuing in your free time?
A: Outside of work, I coach middle school boys basketball as well as middle and high school softball. My son is a high school athlete, so I am usually at a ball game of some sort or practice if I am not in the office. My daughter birthed my first grandbaby in 2024 so that has been a new experience all in itself!
Q: Is there a memorable life lesson or piece of advice that has shaped your outlook or approach to life and work?
A: I have experienced a few life lessons while working here! Compassion and pride have played a big role in making me who I am today!
Q: Can you share a fun fact about yourself?
A: I earned a clowning degree while I was in middle school! I can still juggle!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
A: I have aspirations of becoming a children’s book author at some point in my life!